--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id: test-zoom.pl,v 1.1 2006-07-18 16:15:25 mike Exp $
+# Run the same way as "test-pod.pl". This is supposed to be an
+# exactly equivalent program but written using the ZOOM-Perl
+# asynchronous-event API directly rather than through the intermediary
+# of ZOOM::Pod.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use ZOOM;
+if (@ARGV == 0) {
+ printf STDERR "Usage: $0 <target1> [<target2> ...]\n";
+ exit 1;
+my @conn;
+my %rs; # maps connection to result-set
+my %state; # maps connection to app. state structure
+foreach my $target (@ARGV) {
+ my $conn = new ZOOM::Connection($target, 0, async => 1,
+ elementSetName => "b");
+ push @conn, $conn;
+ $rs{$conn} = $conn->search_pqf("the");
+my $res = 0;
+while ((my $i = ZOOM::event(\@conn)) != 0) {
+ my $conn = $conn[$i-1];
+ my $ev = $conn->last_event();
+ my $evstr = ZOOM::event_str($ev);
+ ZOOM::Log::log("pod", "connection ", $i-1, ": event $ev ($evstr)");
+ $conn->_check(); # die if any errors occur
+ if ($ev == ZOOM::Event::RECV_SEARCH) {
+ $res = completed_search($conn, \%state, $rs{$conn}, $ev);
+ die "recieve search failed with error $res" if $res;
+ } elsif ($ev == ZOOM::Event::RECV_RECORD) {
+ $res = got_record($conn, \%state, $rs{$conn}, $ev);
+ die "recieve record failed with error $res" if $res;
+ }
+sub completed_search {
+ my($conn, $arg, $rs, $event) = @_;
+ my $host = $conn->option("host");
+ print "$host : found ", $rs->size(), " records\n";
+ my %state = (next_to_show => 0, next_to_fetch => 0);
+ request_records($conn, $rs, \%state, 2);
+ $arg->{$host} = \%state;
+ return 0;
+sub got_record {
+ my($conn, $arg, $rs, $event) = @_;
+ my $host = $conn->option("host");
+ my $state = $arg->{$host};
+ {
+ # Sanity-checking assertions. These should be impossible
+ my $ns = $state->{next_to_show};
+ my $nf = $state->{next_to_fetch};
+ if ($ns > $nf) {
+ die "next_to_show > next_to_fetch ($ns > $nf)";
+ } elsif ($ns == $nf) {
+ die "next_to_show == next_to_fetch ($ns)";
+ }
+ }
+ my $i = $state->{next_to_show}++;
+ my $rec = $rs->record($i);
+ print "$host: record $i is ", render_record($rec), "\n";
+ request_records($conn, $rs, $state, 3)
+ if $i == $state->{next_to_fetch}-1;
+ return 0;
+sub request_records {
+ my($conn, $rs, $state, $count) = @_;
+ my $i = $state->{next_to_fetch};
+ ZOOM::Log::log("appl", "requesting $count records from $i for ",
+ $conn->option("host"));
+ $rs->records($i, $count, 0);
+ $state->{next_to_fetch} += $count;
+sub render_record {
+ my($rec) = @_;
+ return "undefined" if !defined $rec;
+ return "'" . $rec->render() . "'";