#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: irspy.pl,v 1.1 2006-05-18 11:45:16 mike Exp $
+# $Id: irspy.pl,v 1.2 2006-05-18 21:58:43 mike Exp $
# Run like this:
# YAZ_LOG=irspy perl -I lib irspy.pl -t "bagel.indexdata.dk/gils z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager" localhost:1313/IR-Explain---1
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
-use ZOOM::Pod;
+use Net::Z3950::IRSpy;
+#use ZOOM::Pod;
my %opts;
if (!getopts('t:au', \%opts) || @ARGV != 1) {
exit 1;
+my $dbname = $ARGV[0];
my $targetList = $opts{t};
-my $allTargets = $opts{a};
-if (!$targetList && !$allTargets) {
+if (!defined $targetList && !$opts{a}) {
print STDERR "$0: neither -t nor -a specified\n";
exit 2;
-sub zlog { ZOOM::Log::log(@_) }
-my $dbname = $ARGV[0];
-my $conn = new ZOOM::Connection($dbname)
- or die "$0: can't connection to IRSpy database 'dbname'";
-zlog("irspy", "starting up with database '$dbname'");
-my $query;
-if ($allTargets) {
- # According to the BIB-1 semantics document at
- # http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/bib1.html
- # the query
- # @attr 2=103 @attr 1=1035 x
- # should find all records. But it seems that Zebra doesn't
- # support this. Furthermore, when using the "alvis" filter (as we
- # do for IRSpy) it doesn't support the use of any BIB-1 access
- # point -- not even 1035 "everywhere" -- so instead we hack
- # together a search that we know will find all records:
- $query = "port=?*";
-} else {
- my @qlist;
- foreach my $target (split /\s+/, $targetList) {
- my($host, $port, $db) = ($target =~ /(.*?):(.*?)\/(.*)/);
- if (!defined $host) {
- $port = 210;
- ($host, $db) = ($target =~ /(.*?)\/(.*)/);
- }
- die "invalid target string '$target'"
- if !defined $host;
- push @qlist, (qq[(host = "$host" and port = "$port" and path="$db")]);
- }
- $query = join(" or ", @qlist);
-my $rs = $conn->search(new ZOOM::Query::CQL($query));
-print "query is: $query\n";
-print "found ", $rs->size(), " records\n";
-my $pod = new ZOOM::Pod(@ARGV);
-$pod->option(elementSetName => "b");
-$pod->callback(ZOOM::Event::RECV_SEARCH, \&completed_search);
-$pod->callback(ZOOM::Event::RECV_RECORD, \&got_record);
-#$pod->callback(exception => \&exception_thrown);
-my $err = $pod->wait();
-die "$pod->wait() failed with error $err" if $err;
-sub completed_search {
- my($conn, $state, $rs, $event) = @_;
- print $conn->option("host"), ": found ", $rs->size(), " records\n";
- $state->{next_to_fetch} = 0;
- $state->{next_to_show} = 0;
- request_records($conn, $rs, $state, 2);
- return 0;
-sub got_record {
- my($conn, $state, $rs, $event) = @_;
- {
- # Sanity-checking assertions. These should be impossible
- my $ns = $state->{next_to_show};
- my $nf = $state->{next_to_fetch};
- if ($ns > $nf) {
- die "next_to_show > next_to_fetch ($ns > $nf)";
- } elsif ($ns == $nf) {
- die "next_to_show == next_to_fetch ($ns)";
- }
- }
- my $i = $state->{next_to_show}++;
- my $rec = $rs->record($i);
- print $conn->option("host"), ": record $i is ", render_record($rec), "\n";
- request_records($conn, $rs, $state, 3)
- if $i == $state->{next_to_fetch}-1;
- return 0;
-sub exception_thrown {
- my($conn, $state, $rs, $exception) = @_;
- print "Uh-oh! $exception\n";
- return 0;
-sub request_records {
- my($conn, $rs, $state, $count) = @_;
- my $i = $state->{next_to_fetch};
- ZOOM::Log::log("irspy", "requesting $count records from $i");
- $rs->records($i, $count, 0);
- $state->{next_to_fetch} += $count;
-sub render_record {
- my($rec) = @_;
- return "undefined" if !defined $rec;
- return "'" . $rec->render() . "'";
+my $spy = new Net::Z3950::IRSpy($dbname);
+$spy->targets($targetList) if defined $targetList;
+my $query = $spy->query();
+my $n = $spy->hitcount();
+print "found $n records from query: $query\n";