#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# $Id: test-xml-update.pl,v 1.6 2006-11-09 16:15:14 mike Exp $
+# $Id: test-xml-update.pl,v 1.7 2006-11-29 17:22:32 mike Exp $
# Run like this:
# perl -I ../lib ./test-xml-update.pl bagel.indexdata.dk:210/gils title "Test Database" author "Adam" description "This is a nice database"
qw() ],
[ password => 0, "Password (if needed)", "e:serverInfo/e:authentication/e:password",
qw(e:user) ],
- [ title => 0, "title", "e:databaseInfo/e:title",
+ [ title => 0, "Title", "e:databaseInfo/e:title",
qw() ],
[ description => 5, "Description", "e:databaseInfo/e:description",
qw(e:title) ],
my %fieldsByKey = map { ( $_->[0], $_) } @fields;
my $oldText = $xc->getContextNode()->toString();
-my $nchanges = modify_xml_document($xc, \%fieldsByKey, \%data);
+my @changedFields = modify_xml_document($xc, \%fieldsByKey, \%data);
+my $nchanges = @changedFields;
my $newText = $xc->getContextNode()->toString();
-print "Document modified with $nchanges change", $nchanges==1?"":"s", "\n";
+print("Document modified with $nchanges change", $nchanges == 1 ? "" : "s",
+ ": ", join(", ", map { $_->[2] } @changedFields), "\n");
if ($opts{w}) {
ZOOM::IRSpy::_really_rewrite_record($conn, $xc->getContextNode());