--- /dev/null
+$Id: README,v 1.1 2005-10-12 11:53:49 mike Exp $
+This area contains sample programs that exercise all three of the APIs
+supported by this module. The programs for each API are contained in
+separate subdirectories:
+net-z3950-zoom -- Test programs using the low-level Net::Z3950::ZOOM
+ API, which is an as-literal-as-possible translation of the
+ ZOOM-C API. You should almost certainly not bother reading
+ these programs: they are for the benefit of the module
+ maintainers.
+zoom -- Test programs using the object-oriented ZOOM interface, which
+ is a nice, Perlish interpretation of the ZOOM abstract API as
+ documented at http://zoom.z3950.org/api/
+net-z3950 -- Test programs using the obsolescent Net::Z3950 interface,
+ which is provided by this distribution as a plug-compatible
+ replacement for the old Net::Z3950 module. There is no reason
+ to use this API unless you are maintaining an existing
+ application that uses Net::Z3950.
+In general, each sample program exists in a different version in all
+three directories, under the same name in each. The programs are:
+zoomtst1.pl -- A direct translation of the "zoomtst.c" application
+ from the YAZ distribution, except that these versions go on to
+ fetch the records that they find, whereas the C version is
+ satisfied just to get the hit count.
--- /dev/null
+# $Id: zoomtst1.pl,v 1.1 2005-10-12 11:53:11 mike Exp $
+# See ../README for a description of this program.
+# perl -I../../blib/lib -I../../blib/arch zoomtst1.pl <target> <query>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Net::Z3950::ZOOM;
+if (@ARGV != 2) {
+ print STDERR "Usage: $0 target query\n";
+ print STDERR " eg. $0 bagel.indexdata.dk/gils computer\n";
+ exit 1;
+my($host, $query) = @ARGV;
+my($errcode, $errmsg, $addinfo) = (undef, "dummy", "dummy");
+my $conn = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::connection_new($host, 0);
+$errcode = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::connection_error($conn, $errmsg, $addinfo);
+die("Can't connect to host '$host': ",
+ "errcode='$errcode', errmsg='$errmsg', addinfo='$addinfo'")
+ if $errcode != 0;
+ preferredRecordSyntax => "usmarc");
+my $rs = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::connection_search_pqf($conn, $query);
+$errcode = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::connection_error($conn, $errmsg, $addinfo);
+die("Can't search for '$query': ",
+ "errcode='$errcode', errmsg='$errmsg', addinfo='$addinfo'")
+ if $errcode != 0;
+my $n = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::resultset_size($rs);
+for my $i (0..$n-1) {
+ my $rec = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::resultset_record($rs, $i);
+ print "=== Record ", $i+1, " of $n ===\n";
+ my $dummy = 0;
+ print Net::Z3950::ZOOM::record_get($rec, "render", $dummy);
--- /dev/null
+# $Id: zoomtst1.pl,v 1.1 2005-10-12 11:53:00 mike Exp $
+# See ../README for a description of this program.
+# perl -I../../blib/lib -I../../blib/arch zoomtst1.pl <target> <query>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Net::Z3950;
+if (@ARGV != 2) {
+ print STDERR "Usage: $0 target query\n";
+ print STDERR " eg. $0 bagel.indexdata.dk/gils computer\n";
+ exit 1;
+my($host, $query) = @ARGV;
+### Database name defaults to "Default" in Net::Z3950 and must be overridden
+$host =~ s/\/(.*)//;
+my $db = $1;
+my $conn = new Net::Z3950::Connection($host, 0, databaseName => $db)
+ or die "can't connect to '$host': $!";
+### Default format is GRS-1 in Net::Z3950
+$conn->option(preferredRecordSyntax => "usmarc");
+### Default format is "B" in Net::Z3950
+$conn->option(elementSetName => "F");
+my $rs = $conn->search(-prefix => $query)
+ or die "can't search for '$query': ", $conn->errmsg();
+my $n = $rs->size();
+### Note that the record-index is 1-based here, 0-based in ZOOM-C
+for my $i (1..$n) {
+ my $rec = $rs->record($i)
+ or die "can't fetch record $i: ", $rs->errmsg();
+ print "=== Record $i of $n ===\n";
+ ### Rendering format for MARC records is different
+ print $rec->render(), "\n";
--- /dev/null
+# $Id: zoomtst1.pl,v 1.1 2005-10-12 11:53:27 mike Exp $
+# See ../README for a description of this program.
+# perl -I../../blib/lib -I../../blib/arch zoomtst1.pl <target> <query>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use ZOOM;
+if (@ARGV != 2) {
+ print STDERR "Usage: $0 target query\n";
+ print STDERR " eg. $0 bagel.indexdata.dk/gils computer\n";
+ exit 1;
+my($host, $query) = @ARGV;
+my $conn = new ZOOM::Connection($host, 0);
+$conn->option(preferredRecordSyntax => "usmarc");
+my $rs = $conn->search_pqf($query);
+my $n = $rs->size();
+for my $i (0..$n-1) {
+ my $rec = $rs->record($i);
+ print "=== Record ", $i+1, " of $n ===\n";
+ print $rec->render();