--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Id: test-xml-update.pl,v 1.1 2006-11-01 09:59:28 mike Exp $
+# Run like this:
+# perl -I ../lib ./test-xml-update.pl bagel.indexdata.dk:210/gils
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use ZOOM;
+use ZOOM::IRSpy::Utils qw(irspy_xpath_context modify_xml_document);
+# This array copied from ../web/htdocs/details/edit.mc
+my @fields =
+ (
+ [ protocol => 0, "Protocol", "e:serverInfo/\@protocol" ],
+ [ host => 0, "Host", "e:serverInfo/e:host" ],
+ [ port => 0, "Port", "e:serverInfo/e:port" ],
+ [ dbname => 0, "Database Name", "e:serverInfo/e:database",
+ qw(e:host e:port) ],
+ [ username => 0, "Username (if needed)", "e:serverInfo/e:authentication/e:user",
+ qw() ],
+ [ password => 0, "Password (if needed)", "e:serverInfo/e:authentication/e:password",
+ qw(e:user) ],
+ [ title => 0, "title", "e:databaseInfo/e:title",
+ qw() ],
+ [ description => 5, "Description", "e:databaseInfo/e:description",
+ qw(e:title) ],
+ [ author => 0, "Author", "e:databaseInfo/e:author",
+ qw(e:title e:description) ],
+ [ contact => 0, "Contact", "e:databaseInfo/e:contact",
+ qw(e:title e:description) ],
+ [ extent => 3, "Extent", "e:databaseInfo/e:extent",
+ qw(e:title e:description) ],
+ [ history => 5, "History", "e:databaseInfo/e:history",
+ qw(e:title e:description) ],
+ [ language => 0, "Language of Records", "e:databaseInfo/e:langUsage",
+ qw(e:title e:description) ],
+ [ restrictions => 2, "Restrictions", "e:databaseInfo/e:restrictions",
+ qw(e:title e:description) ],
+ [ subjects => 2, "Subjects", "e:databaseInfo/e:subjects",
+ qw(e:title e:description) ],
+ );
+if (@ARGV < 1 || @ARGV % 2 == 0) {
+ print STDERR "Usage: %0 <id> [<key1> <value1> ...]\n";
+ exit 1;
+my($id, %data) = @ARGV;
+my $conn = new ZOOM::Connection("localhost:3313/IR-Explain---1", 0,
+ user => "admin", password => "fruitbat");
+$conn->option(elementSetName => "zeerex");
+my $qid = $id;
+$qid =~ s/"/\\"/g;
+my $query = qq[rec.id="$qid"];
+my $rs = $conn->search(new ZOOM::Query::CQL($query));
+my $n = $rs->size();
+if ($n == 0) {
+ print STDERR "$0: no record with ID '$id'";
+ exit 2;
+my $rec = $rs->record(0);
+my $xc = irspy_xpath_context($rec);
+my %fieldsByKey = map { ( $_->[0], $_) } @fields;
+my $nchanges = modify_xml_document($xc, \%fieldsByKey, \%data);
+#ZOOM::IRSpy::_really_rewrite_record($conn, $xc->getContextNode());
+print "The record has been updated (nchanges=$nchanges).\n";
+print $xc->getContextNode()->toString();