-# $Id: 15-scan.t,v 1.3 2005-11-08 11:45:29 mike Exp $
+# $Id: 15-scan.t,v 1.4 2005-11-09 16:47:42 mike Exp $
# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl 15-scan.t'
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 47;
+use Test::More tests => 81;
BEGIN { use_ok('Net::Z3950::ZOOM') };
$errcode = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::connection_error($conn, $errmsg, $addinfo);
ok($errcode == 0, "connection to '$host'");
-my $startterm = "coelophysis";
-my $ss = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::connection_scan($conn, $startterm);
-$errcode = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::connection_error($conn, $errmsg, $addinfo);
-ok($errcode == 0, "scan for '$startterm'");
+my($ss, $n) = scan($conn, "w", 10);
-my $n = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::scanset_size($ss);
-ok(defined $n, "got size");
-ok($n == 10, "got 10 terms");
+my @terms = ();
+my($occ, $len) = (0, 0);
my $previous = ""; # Sorts before all legitimate terms
-my($occ, $len) = (0, 0);
foreach my $i (1 .. $n) {
my $term = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::scanset_term($ss, $i-1, $occ, $len);
ok(defined $term && $len eq length($term),
"got term $i of $n: '$term' ($occ occurences)");
ok($term ge $previous, "term '$term' ge previous '$previous'");
$previous = $term;
+ push @terms, $term;
my $disp = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::scanset_display_term($ss, $i-1, $occ, $len);
ok(defined $disp && $len eq length($disp),
"display term $i of $n: '$disp' ($occ occurences)");
ok(1, "destroyed scanset");
ok(1, "(can't re-destroy scanset)"); # Only meaningful in OO API.
-# ### There remains much testing still to do with scan, but I can't
-# do it until Adam better explains ZOOM-C's scan functionality.
-# Specifically, there is no obvious way to scan more than ten
-# terms, nor any obvious use for scanset_option_set() and
-# scanset_option_get(); nor can I find a server that returns
-# display terms different from its terms.
+# Now re-scan, but only for words that occur in the title
+($ss, $n) = scan($conn, '@attr 1=4 w', 6);
+$previous = ""; # Sorts before all legitimate terms
+foreach my $i (1 .. $n) {
+ my $term = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::scanset_term($ss, $i-1, $occ, $len);
+ ok(defined $term && $len eq length($term),
+ "got title term $i of $n: '$term' ($occ occurences)");
+ ok($term ge $previous, "title term '$term' ge previous '$previous'");
+ $previous = $term;
+ ok((grep { $term eq $_ } @terms), "title term was in term list");
+ok(1, "destroyed second scanset");
+# Now re-do the same scan, but limiting the results to four terms at a
+# time.
+Net::Z3950::ZOOM::connection_option_set($conn, number => 4);
+($ss, $n) = scan($conn, '@attr 1=4 w', 4);
+# Get last term and use it as seed for next scan
+my $term = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::scanset_term($ss, $n-1, $occ, $len);
+ok(Net::Z3950::ZOOM::scanset_option_get($ss, "position") == 1,
+ "seed-term is start of returned list");
+ok(defined $term && $len eq length($term),
+ "got last title term '$term' to use as seed");
+ok(1, "destroyed third scanset");
+# We want the seed-term to be in "position zero", i.e. just before the start
+Net::Z3950::ZOOM::connection_option_set($conn, position => 0);
+($ss, $n) = scan($conn, "\@attr 1=4 $term", 2);
+ok(Net::Z3950::ZOOM::scanset_option_get($ss, "position") == 0,
+ "seed-term before start of returned list");
+# Silly test of option setting and getting
+Net::Z3950::ZOOM::scanset_option_set($ss, "position", "fruit");
+ok(Net::Z3950::ZOOM::scanset_option_get($ss, "position") eq "fruit",
+ "option setting/getting works");
+ok(1, "destroyed fourth scanset");
+# There is no obvious use for scanset_option_set(), and little to be
+# done with scanset_option_get(); and I can't find a server that
+# returns display terms different from its terms.
+sub scan {
+ my($conn, $startterm, $nexpected) = @_;
+ $ss = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::connection_scan($conn, $startterm);
+ $errcode = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::connection_error($conn, $errmsg, $addinfo);
+ ok($errcode == 0, "scan for '$startterm'");
+ $n = Net::Z3950::ZOOM::scanset_size($ss);
+ ok(defined $n, "got size");
+ ok($n == $nexpected, "got $n terms (expected $n)");
+ return ($ss, $n);