--- /dev/null
+$Id: README,v 1.1 2006-09-20 13:32:02 mike Exp $
+To install the web UI (assuming you're using some version of Apache as
+your web server):
+-- First, make sure that the IRSpy code runs OK outside the context of
+ a web-server. Build and test it as you would any Perl module, with
+ "perl Makefile.PL && make && make test". There's no need to
+ install it, though. Among the prerequisites are ZOOM-Perl and
+ XML::LibXML::XPathContext: unfortunately neither of these is
+ packaged for Debian, so they must be installed from CPAN. You'll
+ also need a 2.0-series Zebra installation to run the database.
+-- Make a config file for the host you're on, probably by making a
+ modified copy of apache1.3/xeno.conf
+-- Include this configuration in that of the web server. For example,
+ if you're using the Apache 1.3 setup that is the default on
+ Debian-based operating systems, go to /etc/apache/conf and:
+ # ln -s /usr/local/src/cvs/irspy/web/conf/apache1.3/XXX.conf irspy.conf
+-- Make sure that the web-server's user (often root, www-data or
+ nobody) can write the logs in in the ../logs directory: for
+ example, you might use "chmod ugo+w ."
+-- Make sure that you can read the logs that it generates: for
+ example, you might use:
+ # chmod ugo+r access.log error.log
+-- Make sure you have the HTML::Mason Perl module installed, including
+ all its prerequisites (most notably mod_perl itself). On
+ Debian-based operating systems, this is as simple as
+ # apt-get install libhtml-mason-perl libapache-request-perl
+-- Ensure that the web server can write the HTML::Mason object
+ directory. For example: "chmod ugo+w data/obj"
+That should be everything: just start Zebra, point your browser to the
+root of your new virtual host, and off you go.