-# $Id: 26-packages.t,v 1.1 2005-11-08 15:56:05 mike Exp $
+# $Id: 26-packages.t,v 1.2 2005-12-09 10:33:48 mike Exp $
# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl 26-packages.t'
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 6;
+use Test::More tests => 40;
BEGIN { use_ok('ZOOM') };
-my $host = "indexdata.com/gils";
-my $conn;
-eval { $conn = new ZOOM::Connection($host, 0) };
-ok(!$@, "connection to '$host'");
-my $p = $conn->package();
-# Inspection of the ZOOM-C code shows that this can never fail, in fact.
-ok(defined $p, "created package");
+# For now, use a local database: later establish a public one for this.
+# We will create, and destroy, a new database with a random name
+my $host = "localhost:9999";
+#my $host = "indexdata.com/gils";
+my $dbname = join("", map { chr(ord("a") + int(rand(26))) } 1..10);
-# There may be useful options to set, but this is not one of them!
-$p->option(foo => "bar");
-my $val = $p->option("foo");
-ok($val eq "bar", "package option retrieved as expected");
+# Connect anonymously, and expect this to fail
+my $conn = makeconn($host, undef, undef, 1011);
-eval { $p->send("foo") };
-ok(!$@, "sent 'foo' package");
+# Connect as a user, but with incorrect password -- expect failure
+$conn = makeconn($host, "user", "badpw", 1011);
-### Now what?
+# Connect as a non-privileged user with correct password
+$conn = makeconn($host, "user", "frog", 0);
-ok(1, "destroyed package");
+# Non-privileged user can't create database
+makedb($conn, $dbname, 223);
+# Connect as a privileged user with correct password, check DB is absent
+$conn = makeconn($host, "admin", "fish", 0);
+$conn->option(databaseName => $dbname);
+count_hits($conn, "the", 109);
+# Now create the database and check that it is present but empty
+makedb($conn, $dbname, 0);
+count_hits($conn, "the", 0, 0);
+# Trying to create the same database again will fail EEXIST
+makedb($conn, $dbname, 224);
+# Add a single record, and check that it can be found
+updaterec($conn, 1, content_of("samples/records/esdd0006.grs"), 0);
+count_hits($conn, "the", 0, 1);
+# Add the same record with the same ID: overwrite => no change
+updaterec($conn, 1, content_of("samples/records/esdd0006.grs"), 0);
+count_hits($conn, "the", 0, 1);
+# Add it again record with different ID => new copy added
+updaterec($conn, 2, content_of("samples/records/esdd0006.grs"), 0);
+count_hits($conn, "the", 0, 2);
+# Now drop the newly-created database
+dropdb($conn, $dbname, 0);
+# A second dropping should fail, but does not do so -- I think that
+# "drop" is an always-"successful" no-op. Yuck.
+dropdb($conn, $dbname, 0);
+sub makeconn {
+ my($host, $user, $password, $expected_error) = @_;
+ my $options = new ZOOM::Options();
+ $options->option(user => $user)
+ if defined $user;
+ $options->option(password => $password)
+ if defined $password;
+ my $conn;
+ eval { $conn = create ZOOM::Connection($options) };
+ ok(!$@, "unconnected connection object created");
+ eval { $conn->connect($host, 0) };
+ my($errcode, $errmsg, $addinfo) = maybe_error($@);
+ ok($errcode == $expected_error,
+ "connection to '$host'" . ($errcode ? " refused ($errcode)" : ""));
+ return $conn;
+sub makedb {
+ my($conn, $dbname, $expected_error) = @_;
+ my $p = $conn->package();
+ # Inspection of the ZOOM-C code shows that this can never fail, in fact.
+ ok(defined $p, "created package");
+ $p->option(databaseName => $dbname);
+ my $val = $p->option("databaseName");
+ ok($val eq $dbname, "package option retrieved as expected");
+ eval { $p->send("create") };
+ my($errcode, $errmsg, $addinfo) = maybe_error($@);
+ ok($errcode == $expected_error, "database creation '$dbname'" .
+ ($errcode ? " refused ($errcode)" : ""));
+ # Now we can inspect the package options to find out more about
+ # how the server dealt with the request. However, it seems that
+ # the "package database" described in the standard is not used,
+ # and that the only options we can inspect are the following:
+ $val = $p->option("targetReference");
+ $val = $p->option("xmlUpdateDoc");
+ # ... and we know nothing about expected or actual values.
+ $p->destroy();
+ ok(1, "destroyed createdb package");
+sub dropdb {
+ my($conn, $dbname, $expected_error) = @_;
+ my $p = $conn->package();
+ # No need to keep ok()ing this, or checking the option-setting
+ $p->option(databaseName => $dbname);
+ $p->send("drop");
+ my($errcode, $errmsg, $addinfo) = maybe_error($@);
+ ok($errcode == $expected_error,
+ "database drop '$dbname'" . ($errcode ? " refused $errcode" : ""));
+ $p->destroy();
+ ok(1, "destroyed dropdb package");
+# We always use "specialUpdate", which adds a record or replaces it if
+# it's already there. By contrast, "insert" fails if the record
+# already exists, and "replace" fails if it does not.
+sub updaterec {
+ my($conn, $id, $file, $expected_error) = @_;
+ my $p = $conn->package();
+ $p->option(action => "specialUpdate");
+ $p->option(recordIdOpaque => $id);
+ $p->option(record => $file);
+ eval { $p->send("update") };
+ my($errcode, $errmsg, $addinfo) = maybe_error($@);
+ ok($errcode == $expected_error, "record update $id" .
+ ($errcode ? " failed $errcode '$errmsg' ($addinfo)" : ""));
+ $p->destroy();
+ ok(1, "destroyed update package");
+sub count_hits {
+ my($conn, $query, $expected_error, $expected_count) = @_;
+ my $rs;
+ eval { $rs = $conn->search_pqf($query) };
+ my($errcode, $errmsg, $addinfo) = maybe_error($@);
+ ok($errcode == $expected_error, "database '$dbname' " .
+ ($errcode == 0 ? "can be searched" : "not searchable ($errcode)"));
+ return if $errcode != 0;
+ my $n = $rs->size($rs);
+ ok($n == $expected_count,
+ "database '$dbname' has $n records (expected $expected_count)");
+sub content_of {
+ my($filename) = @_;
+ use IO::File;
+ my $f = new IO::File("<$filename")
+ or die "can't open file '$filename': $!";
+ my $text = join("", <$f>);
+ $f->close();
+ return $text;
+# Return the elements of an exception as separate scalars
+sub maybe_error {
+ my ($x) = @_;
+ if ($x && $x->isa("ZOOM::Exception")) {
+ return ($x->code(),
+ $x->message(),
+ $x->addinfo());
+ } else {
+ return (0, undef, undef);
+ }