--- /dev/null
+OK dc:title The human readable title for the database databaseInfo/title
+OK dc:description A description of the database databaseInfo/description
+OK net:host The hostname (srw.cheshire3.org) or IP address ( of the database/server, but each case will likely find only records which contain the host in that form. For example will not necessarily find srw.cheshire3.org serverInfo/host
+OK net:port The port on which the database/server can be reached serverInfo/port
+OK net:protocol The protocol to use to interact with the database/server serverInfo/@protocol
+OK net:version The version of the protocol serverInfo/@version
+OK net:path The name (z39.50) or path (OAI, FTP, SRW/U, etc) to the service from the base URL serverInfo/database
+OK net:method The HTTP method used to access the service (values: 'GET' 'POST' or 'GET POST') serverInfo/@method
+OK rec:lastModificationDate The date that the ZeeRex record was last modified (as opposed to the date that the database was last updated (dc.date)) metaInfo/dateModified
+OK rec:authorityIndicator Is the record known to be the authoritative description, or might there be a more correct record somewhere else? (values: 'true' or 'false') explain/@authoritative
+ cql:anywhere Anywhere in the record /
+OK dc:date Time that the database was last updated serverInfo/database/@lastUpdate
+OK dc:creator The maintainer for the database databaseInfo/author
+OK dc:language The language of the records in the database described by the ZeeRex record databaseInfo/langusage
+OK zeerex:numberOfRecords Number of records in the database serverInfo/database/@numrecs
+### zeerex:set The context set/attribute set for an index indexInfo/set/@identifier
+### zeerex:index The name of an SRW/U index indexInfo/index/map/name
+### zeerex:attributeType Type of an attribute in Z39.50 indexInfo/index/map/attr@type
+### zeerex:attributeValue Value of an attribute in Z39.50 indexInfo/index/map/attr
+OK zeerex:schema Identifier for a record schema in SRW/U schemaInfo/schema/@identifier
+OK zeerex:recordSyntax Identifier for a record syntax in Z39.50. This should be specified as an OID (1.2.840.10003.5.10). recordInfo/recordSyntax/@identifier
+SOME zeerex:supports_* Described in ZeeRex context set /explain/configInfo/supports[@type=*]