--- /dev/null
+# $Id: 25-scan.t,v 1.1 2005-11-08 11:45:51 mike Exp $
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl 25-scan.t'
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 47;
+BEGIN { use_ok('ZOOM') };
+my $host = "indexdata.com/gils";
+my $conn;
+eval { $conn = new ZOOM::Connection($host, 0) };
+ok(!$@, "connection to '$host'");
+my $startterm = "coelophysis";
+my $ss;
+{ $ss = $conn->scan($startterm) };
+ok(!$@, "scan for '$startterm'");
+my $n = $ss->size();
+ok(defined $n, "got size");
+ok($n == 10, "got 10 terms");
+my $previous = ""; # Sorts before all legitimate terms
+foreach my $i (1 .. $n) {
+ my($term, $occ) = $ss->term($i-1);
+ ok(defined $term,
+ "got term $i of $n: '$term' ($occ occurences)");
+ ok($term ge $previous, "term '$term' ge previous '$previous'");
+ $previous = $term;
+ (my $disp, $occ) = $ss->display_term($i-1);
+ ok(defined $disp,
+ "display term $i of $n: '$disp' ($occ occurences)");
+ ok($disp eq $term, "display term $i identical to term");
+ok(1, "destroyed scanset");
+eval { $ss->destroy() };
+ok(defined $@ && $@ =~ /been destroy\(\)ed/,
+ "can't re-destroy scanset");
+# ### Much still to do: see comment in "15-scan.t"