OK 0 99 249403 0 20 Constitutions of the ancient and honorable fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, collected and digested from their old records, faithful traditions, and lodge books together with the history and general regulations of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts 1798-5798 LC copy has a slip mounted inside the lower board, "Duplicate from the Public Library of the city of Boston," signed, C.C. Jewett.DLC book Constitutions of the ancient and honorable fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, collected and digested from their old records, faithful traditions, and lodge books together with the history and general regulations of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts 1798-5798 Signatures: pi⁴ [A]⁴ B-2N⁴ LC copy has a slip mounted inside the lower board, "Duplicate from the Public Library of the city of Boston," signed, C.C. Jewett.DLC book 1 content: title constitutions of the ancient and honorable fraternity of free and accepted masons collected and digested from their old records faithful traditions and lodge books medium book Masonic songs, oratorio, odes, anthems, prologues, epilogues, and toasts : adapted to the different degrees of Masonry 1797-5797 Without the music; in part with indications of the tunes book Masonic songs, oratorio, odes, anthems, prologues, epilogues, and toasts : adapted to the different degrees of Masonry 1797-5797 Without the music; in part with indications of the tunes Signatures: [A]⁴ [B]⁶ C-M⁶ N² LC copy imperfect: p. 19-26, 57-60, 115-122 wanting.DLC book 1 content: title masonic medium book The constitutions of the ancient and honourable fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons containing their history, charges, addresses, &c., collected and digested from their old records, faithful traditions, and lodge books : for the use of Masons : to which are added, the history of Masonry in the commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the constitution, laws, and regulations of their Grand Lodge : together with a large collection of songs, epilogues, &c 1792-5792 Compiled by a "... committee appointed 'to consider and compile a book of constitutions, containing all things necessary for the use of the fraternity' ... John Warren, chairman"--P. [iii] book The constitutions of the ancient and honourable fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons containing their history, charges, addresses, &c., collected and digested from their old records, faithful traditions, and lodge books : for the use of Masons : to which are added, the history of Masonry in the commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the constitution, laws, and regulations of their Grand Lodge : together with a large collection of songs, epilogues, &c 1792-5792 Compiled by a "... committee appointed 'to consider and compile a book of constitutions, containing all things necessary for the use of the fraternity' ... John Warren, chairman"--P. [iii] Signatures: [A]⁴ B-U⁴ W⁴ X-2M⁴ book 1 content: title the constitutions of the ancient and honourable fraternity of free and accepted masons medium book French books before 1601 1998 Based largely upon titles listed in the Short-title catalogue of books printed in France and of French books printed in other countries from 1470 to 1600, now in the British Museum book French books before 1601 1998 Based largely upon titles listed in the Short-title catalogue of books printed in France and of French books printed in other countries from 1470 to 1600, now in the British Museum book 1 content: title french books before medium book A dictionary of the English language; the words and definitions being followed by their Japanese equivalents. To which is added a copious appendix 1904 Shimada, Y "May be considered a translation" of Webster's unabridged dictionary. cf. Prefatory notice by C. S. Eby and J. M. Dixon book A dictionary of the English language; the words and definitions being followed by their Japanese equivalents. To which is added a copious appendix 1904 Shimada, Y "May be considered a translation" of Webster's unabridged dictionary. cf. Prefatory notice by C. S. Eby and J. M. Dixon Added t.-p. in Japanese book 1 content: title a dictionary of the english language author shimada y medium book A monograph on the Rev. Israel Evans, A.M chaplain in the American army during the entire revolutionary war, 1775-1783, the second settled minister of Concord, New Hampshire 1789-1797 1902 Thorne, John Calvin book A monograph on the Rev. Israel Evans, A.M chaplain in the American army during the entire revolutionary war, 1775-1783, the second settled minister of Concord, New Hampshire 1789-1797 1902 Thorne, John Calvin book 1 content: title a monograph on the rev israel evans a m author thorne john calvin medium book Report on the post-bellum financial administration in Japan, 1896-1900 By Count Matsukata Masayoshi ... minister of state for finance 1901 Introduction.--pt. 1. The budget and special comptabilité.--pt. II. Taxation and the leaf-tobacco monopoly.--pt. III. Matters connected with the coinage, the public loan and the indemnity money.--pt. 1V. The condition of monetary circulation and the establishment of the financial organs of the country book Report on the post-bellum financial administration in Japan, 1896-1900 By Count Matsukata Masayoshi ... minister of state for finance 1901 Corrected issue of the edition of 1900 Introduction.--pt. 1. The budget and special comptabilité.--pt. II. Taxation and the leaf-tobacco monopoly.--pt. III. Matters connected with the coinage, the public loan and the indemnity money.--pt. 1V. The condition of monetary circulation and the establishment of the financial organs of the country book 1 content: title report on the post bellum financial administration in japan medium book Pharmacopoea japonica 1891 Prepared by a committee appointed by the Japanese government and approved by the minister of home affairs. cf. Historical introduction to The pharmacopoeia of Japan. 4th ed. 1922 book Pharmacopoea japonica 1891 Added t.-p. in Japanese Prepared by a committee appointed by the Japanese government and approved by the minister of home affairs. cf. Historical introduction to The pharmacopoeia of Japan. 4th ed. 1922 book 1 content: title pharmacopoea japonica medium book The narrative of Colonel David Fanning a Tory in the revolutionary war with Great Britain, giving an account of his adventures in North Carolina, from 1775 to 1783 1861 Fanning, David Introd. signed John H. Wheeler. Edited, from a copy of the original manuscript, by T.H. Wynne. Many of the notes are by D.L. Swain book The narrative of Colonel David Fanning a Tory in the revolutionary war with Great Britain, giving an account of his adventures in North Carolina, from 1775 to 1783 1861 Fanning, David Introd. signed John H. Wheeler. Edited, from a copy of the original manuscript, by T.H. Wynne. Many of the notes are by D.L. Swain "50 copies 4to."--P. [ii] "Fifty copies printed on thin writing paper, and ten on thicker paper." Cf. Sabin LC copy is no. 21.DLC book 1 content: title the narrative of colonel david fanning author fanning david medium book Leaves of grass 1860 Whitman, Walt Myerson describes 2 authorized printings, with 3 states of frontispiece and 5 states of binding. For unauthorized printings, cf. LC record 45-46794 book Leaves of grass 1860 Whitman, Walt Author's name, Walt Whitman, appears in copyright statement on t.p. verso Third edition Myerson describes 2 authorized printings, with 3 states of frontispiece and 5 states of binding. For unauthorized printings, cf. LC record 45-46794 LC has rebound copy, with frontispiece in Myerson 1st state.DLC book 1 content: title leaves of grass author whitman walt medium book Broad advice to the United Netherland provinces 1857 Attributed to Cornelis Melyn web Broad advice to the United Netherland provinces 1857 Attributed to Cornelis Melyn web 1 content: title broad advice to the united netherland provinces medium web A discourse delivered before the Pilgrim Society, at Plymouth, on the twenty second day of December, 1829 1830 Sullivan, William Buff printed paper cover has title: "Mr. Sullivan's discourse, delivered at Plymouth." book A discourse delivered before the Pilgrim Society, at Plymouth, on the twenty second day of December, 1829 1830 Sullivan, William Printer from verso of title page Buff printed paper cover has title: "Mr. Sullivan's discourse, delivered at Plymouth." book 1 content: title a discourse delivered before the pilgrim society at plymouth on the twenty second day of december author sullivan william medium book Histoire naturelle des tangaras, des manakins et des todiers 1805 Desmarest, A.-G book Histoire naturelle des tangaras, des manakins et des todiers 1805 Desmarest, A.-G book 1 content: title histoire naturelle des tangaras des manakins et des todiers author desmarest a g medium book Leçons d'anatomie comparée de G. Cuvier 1800-1805 Cuvier, Georges t. I. Les organes du mouvement.--t. II. Les organes des sensations.--t. III-IV. Les organes de la digestion et ceux de la circulation, de la respiration et de la voix.--t. V. Les organes de la génération et ceux des sécrétions excrémentitielles ou des excrétions book Leçons d'anatomie comparée de G. Cuvier 1800-1805 Cuvier, Georges Imprint of v. 3-5: Paris, Crochard [etc.] an XIV.--1805 Vol. 3-5 ed. by G. L. Duvernoy t. I. Les organes du mouvement.--t. II. Les organes des sensations.--t. III-IV. Les organes de la digestion et ceux de la circulation, de la respiration et de la voix.--t. V. Les organes de la génération et ceux des sécrétions excrémentitielles ou des excrétions book 1 content: title lec ons d anatomie compare e de g cuvier author cuvier georges medium book Manuel pour la concordance des calendriers républicain et grégorien; ou, Recueil complet de tous les annuaires depuis la première année républicaine 1805 Renouard, Ant. Aug Published anonymously book Manuel pour la concordance des calendriers républicain et grégorien; ou, Recueil complet de tous les annuaires depuis la première année républicaine 1805 Renouard, Ant. Aug Published anonymously book 1 content: title manuel pour la concordance des calendriers re publicain et gre gorien ou recueil complet de tous les annuaires depuis la premie re anne e re publicaine author renouard ant aug medium book Mémoire statistique du Département de la Meurthe 1805 book Mémoire statistique du Département de la Meurthe 1805 book 1 content: title me moire statistique du de partement de la meurthe medium book Mémoires historiques sur les Templiers ou, Éclaircissemens nouveaux sur leur histoire, leur procès, les accusations intentées contr'eux, et les causes secrètes de leur ruine; puisés, en grande partie, dans plusieurs monumens ou écrits publiés en Allemagne; 1805 Grouvelle, Philippe-Antoine book Mémoires historiques sur les Templiers ou, Éclaircissemens nouveaux sur leur histoire, leur procès, les accusations intentées contr'eux, et les causes secrètes de leur ruine; puisés, en grande partie, dans plusieurs monumens ou écrits publiés en Allemagne; 1805 Grouvelle, Philippe-Antoine book 1 content: title me moires historiques sur les templiers author grouvelle philippe antoine medium book Plans, coupes et élévations de diverses productions de l'art de la charpente exécutées tant en France que dans les pays étrangers; 1805 Krafft, J. Ch Several errors in numbering of plates book Plans, coupes et élévations de diverses productions de l'art de la charpente exécutées tant en France que dans les pays étrangers; 1805 Krafft, J. Ch Several errors in numbering of plates book 1 content: title plans coupes et e le vations de diverses productions de l art de la charpente exe cute es tant en france que dans les pays e trangers author krafft j ch medium book Œuvres de Vicq-d'Azyr recueillies et publiées avec des notes et un discours sur sa vie et ses ouvrages 1805 Vicq-d'Azyr Vol. 1-3, Éloges historiques des membres de la Société royale de médécine; v. 4-6, Sciences physiologiques et médicales book Œuvres de Vicq-d'Azyr recueillies et publiées avec des notes et un discours sur sa vie et ses ouvrages 1805 Vicq-d'Azyr Vol. 1-3, Éloges historiques des membres de la Société royale de médécine; v. 4-6, Sciences physiologiques et médicales book 1 content: title uvres de vicq d azyr author vicq d azyr medium book Coup d'oeil sur les révolutions et sur la réforme de la médecine 1804 Cabanis, P. J. G book Coup d'oeil sur les révolutions et sur la réforme de la médecine 1804 Cabanis, P. J. G book 1 content: title coup d oeil sur les re volutions et sur la re forme de la me decine author cabanis p j g medium book