Webservice requests are any that refer to filename "search.pz2". Arguments are GET-style parameters. Argument 'command' is required and specifies command. Commands: init Initializes a session. Returns session ID to be used in subsequent requests. Example: search.pz2?command=init Response example: OK 2044502273 search Launches a search, parameters: session query Example: search.pz2?session=2044502273&command=search&query=computer Response example: OK stat Provides status of ongoing search. Parameters: session Example: search.pz2?session=2044502273&command=stat Output: 7 -- Total hitcount 7 -- Total number of records fetched 1 -- Total number of associated clients 0 -- Number of disconnected clients 0 -- Number of clients in connecting state 0 -- Number of clients initializing 0 -- ... searching 0 -- ... presenting 1 -- ... idle (not doing anything) 0 -- ... Connection failed 0 -- ... Error was produced somewhere show Shows records retrieved parameters: session start -- 0-indexed!! num -- default=20 Example: search.pz2?session=2044502273&command=show&start=0&num=2 Output: OK 6 7 0 2 How to program a computer, by Jack Collins 2 Computer processing of dynamic images from an Anger scintillation camera : the proceedings of a workshop /