Webservice requests are any that refer to filename "search.pz2". Arguments are GET-style parameters. Argument 'command' is required and specifies command. Any request not recognized as a webservice request as described, are forwarded to the HTTP server specified in option -p. Commands: init Initializes a session. Returns session ID to be used in subsequent requests. Example: search.pz2?command=init Response example: OK 2044502273 ping Keeps a session alive. An idle session will time out after one minute. The ping command can be used to keep the session alive absent other activity. It is suggested that any browser client have a simple alarm handler which sends a ping every 50 seconds or so once a session has been initialized. Example: search.pz?command=ping&session=2044502273 Response example: OK search Launches a search, parameters: session query Example: search.pz2?session=2044502273&command=search&query=computer Response example: OK stat Provides status of ongoing search. Parameters: session Example: search.pz2?session=2044502273&command=stat Output: 7 -- Total hitcount 7 -- Total number of records fetched 1 -- Total number of associated clients 0 -- Number of disconnected clients 0 -- Number of clients in connecting state 0 -- Number of clients initializing 0 -- ... searching 0 -- ... presenting 1 -- ... idle (not doing anything) 0 -- ... Connection failed 0 -- ... Error was produced somewhere show Shows records retrieved parameters: session start -- 0-indexed!! num -- default=20 block -- 0 or 1 If block is set, the command will hang until there are records ready to display. Use this to show first records rapidly without requiring rapid polling. Example: search.pz2?session=2044502273&command=show&start=0&num=2 Output: OK 3 6 7 0 2 How to program a computer, by Jack Collins 2 Computer processing of dynamic images from an Anger scintillation camera : the proceedings of a workshop / termlist Retrieves term list(s) parameters: session name -- comma-separated list of termlist names (default "subject") Example: search.pz2?session=2044502273&command=termlist&name=author,subject Output: 3 Donald Knuth 10 Robert Pirsig 2 Computer programming 10