--- 1.0.8 2007 Implemented filter, session_shared, which optimizes usage of Z39.50 sessions and result sets. New filter, record_transform, which converts MARC/XML records. New filter, sru_z3950, which converts SRU to Z39.50 packages. New filter, load_balance, in development. New filter, zeerex_xplain. XML framework for config files started. Master RelaxNG Compact schema's are found in xml/schema/*.rnc, RelaxNG XML schemas and XML Schema's are generated from RNC syntax. XML config files are checked against RNG and XML Schema's. XSLT transformation framework added in xml/xslt/*.xsl, consisting mainly of LOC Marc21 stylesheets found at http://www.loc.gov/marcxml/xslt. Added stylesheet explain2cqlpqftxt.xsl which transforms a standard SRU ZeeReX explain record to YAZ CQL-to-PQF text config file. --- 1.0.7 2006/11/07 Added 'timeout' setting for filter frontend_net which specifies the number of seconds a session is idle before it is closed. Default timeout is 300 (5 minutes). --- 1.0.6 2006/07/07 Database name in records returned set for virt_db/multi filters. Filter session_shared now functional. Log filter can be configured to write to a given file using 'filename' element. Also information category can be specified with 'category'. If filename is omitted, the log filter writes to stdout. See etc/config5.xml for example. --- 1.0.5 2006/05/16 Fixed compilation on Windows. --- 1.0.4 2006/05/16 Added documentation for the hidenavailable option for the multi filter. --- 1.0.3 2006/05/16 Fixed bug #573: Hide errors for individual servers. If the element 'hideunavailable' is given in the configuration, individual servers being unavailable are hidden (unless all are unavailable). Fixed bug #574: Database names are recognised case-sensitively. Fixed bug #567: Fix up database name in Name-Plus-Record. Fixed bug #568: Update win/makefile for VS 2005. Fixed bug #569: Some options throws unknown exception. --- 1.0.2 2006/04/28 More information about virtual hosts. The 'etc' directory is part of the distribution tar. --- 1.0.1 2006/04/27 Build instructions for Windows. NMake makefile part of distribution tar. --- 1.0.0 2006/04/24 More documentation. Filters functional: auth_simple, backend_test, frontend_net, http_file, log, multi, query_rewrite, template, virt_db, z3950_client. Filters in development: session_shared. Pseudo-filters: template, dl --- 0.9 2006/03/27